Thursday, February 18, 2010


At Issue: Power of Words ( from Zondervan. TNIV eDevotional)

James 3:1-12

Did you realize you have superpowers? You may not be Wonder Woman or Bat Girl, but you have an incredible weapon in your personal arsenal-your tongue. Though small, it holds astonishing power. It can encourage, strengthen and brighten another's day. Or it can tear down, wound and crush other people. Every day you face a choice: Will you use your superpowers for good or for evil? When you praise God with the same tongue that you curse the people he created, you've made the wrong choice. Respect the power of words and learn to use them to encourage and strengthen others.

Just think of all the conversations we have every day and how much impact we have whether we know it or not. So I'm trying to remember everyday to at least say hello (with a smile) to everyone who walks through the front door. Angie

Saturday, February 13, 2010


The picture of the 3 eagles is a great reminder of an experience in which I saw God in a whole new light. This picture is especially important because it reminds me of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Is there anything that is a visual reminder to you?

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Is what you're hearing a rumor or fact? Don't forget to verify things before jumping. This is a reminder to myself too..

Also besides hurting your character and trustworthiness you will be hurting others whether you intend to or not.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Amazing God

Did you hear of the 3 year boy who called 911 for his grandmother? This morning on KLOVE they played the 911 call and interviewed mom. It gave me chills when she said that the boy was suppose to go to the other grandmas house and that she just taught him how to use 911 days before hand.